cat. number : pertin-nce_032
artist : DJ Sarcastic
release title : H.A.A.R.P.-Core
track listing :
01_ H.A.A.R.P. (I'm Helpless Without You)
02_ H.A.A.R.P.-Core (Fusion Mix)
03_ H.A.A.R.P. (bleupulp remix)
sounds like : techno, experimental electronic
download on
Or for other formats, stream check
Extra link :
Here is some video clips that Jerome Nadeau (aka Georges, aka DJ Cobra and so on) made.
On the '''UUU'' clip features the track ''the time we had'' by Maxime Tanguay (pertin-nce_025)
UUU from JEROME NADEAU on Vimeo.
also an other cool clip from Jerome's recent works :
Extra link / see more videos at :
A new live PA by our friend Snork (techno, idm, minimal)
live set july 2010 by Snork_
Extra link :

Vague Terrain 17: Collaborative Spaces
It features many PERTIN-NCE artists such as Kate Carr, Hemiptera, Michael North, N, Brian Tester, Meriol Lehmann, Leos, Bleupulp, Maxime Tanguay plus several other interesting artists.
Dirrect mp3 .zip download of some of the releases :
Kate Carr - listen to the weather
Hemiptera - Humid Hunt
V/A - Pertin-nce's Kollab
(Check at the bottom of this post for a Q & A with some of the artists)
Bleupulp's release (exp048 - your interest toward people) on
Some free net releases i enjoyed this month :

[FbL004] ambienteer - kuss (ambient,melodic, experimental)
Listen and Free download

[1337-016] Pachyderme - L'Homme Végétal EP (deep, tech, minimal, long tracks)
Free download

[ALTF009] Sven Laux - Mud Up, Mud Down (groovy minimal, house)
Listen and free download
To wrap it up here is a Q & A with the artists featuring on the ''Kollab'' compilation for the
Vague Terrain 17: Collaborative Spaces ...
***Mike North***
Q- What’s the concept or idea behind your track?
A- My basic idea evolved as I was playing / jamming with the samples... My work is largely improvisation based, actually entirely improvisation based...
I do try at times to do a through composed thing but as of yet haven't been successful...
Q- How the samples from the pack influenced the composition of your track?
A- So I'm playing with the samples and finding the results a bit sparse so I started adding little bits here and there from previous sample packs I'd gotten from Maxime to flesh it out a bit.. It started sounding a little cartoonish to me, in a good way...I'm a big fan of Carl Stalling, the composer of a great number of "Merrie Melodies" backing tracks for WB cartoons... Anyway it started bringing memories of Foghorn Leghorn scratching around the barnyard from those old Chuck Jones cartoons and I just went with it.
Q- Can you give us an idea of you composition process?
A- I view my work as primarily percussive ... any melodic/harmonic elements that sneak in are just there, for me it's kinda like a drum solo...
Not necessarily a fast or complicated solo but something along those lines (boom boom bang wheeee)... So it just happened, if I'd been in a different mood,
perhaps less nostalgic that day it could've ended up as a noise piece or maybe a little more of an ambient affair...So I work in improv, percussion, electronics & found sound ...
Q- what do u use to make your music?
A- the tools I use the most are the ixi apps (barnyard scratch entirely), Plogue Bidule & Improsculpt (a Csound instrument), I augment these with Al & Erwin
(a granulation program) and random VST effects (usually not used as intended)...
I sometimes use Tracktion as a mixing platform but not all that often...
Q- What are you working on these days music wise?
A- For me personally I find noise an appropriate response to the general state of society...
I'm working at present at trying to tie together pieces I've done over the last couple of years into some sort of coherent whole, or series of coherent wholes and plan to release them somewhere...
As an artist I'm concerned with the state of language, the meaning of words, the perception of sounds and the contradictions I find in myself as I go about living my life...
Amongst other lesser concerns...
Q- What's happening in your life these days?
A- On a more personal note I've just finished moving from the outskirts of to downtown
I'm trying to minimize my possessions and am gradually. Moving from vegetarianism to a vegan lifestyle & I'm trying to laugh more
***Axel Hélie Fontaine aka LEOS***
Q- What’s the concept or idea behind your track?
A- The idea came from an earlier conversation with Max telling me he would like to listen to my electro acoustic stuff. Since my electro acoustic works are mostly made for university classes purpose, I'm always working on different kinds of electronic music like Techno, Acid house or Ambient. "Lousy" was a song made at the same time as one electro acoustic track I had to do for one of my classes. I wanted to actually give that "electro acoustic" and "hard to listen" feel to the Techno tracks I'm usually used to make.
Q- How the samples from the pack influenced the composition of your track?
A- During my first year at university, I realised that you can make any kind of music out of samples.
Some have some acoustic texture you can tweek to make any possible sounds.
The samples are the fundamental base of "Lousy" which are all over the place except for the drums and an another sound. When listening to the sounds at the beginning,
I liked the electronic/machine-ish feel of them. An image of being trapped inside some room, in the dark, filled with machines is pretty much what inspired to create the mood of the track.
Q- Is it in your regular musical habits to work on collaborative projects?
A- Back in the days, yeah. But since two years probably, not really. I'm a lone worker.
Q- What did you use in order to make your track (hardware / software)?
A- Cubase 5, Cecilia, CSound, Le granulausore, FM8
Q- What are you working on these days music wise?
A- Experimental and neo-trance stuff. I'm trying to explore new kind of sounds that are more melodic but with a glitchy, trippy side.
Q- So what’s up with you?
A- Well....not much? Studying in electro acoustic music, planning of maybe doing a master in music technology
to learn how to code VST and create some new instruments (hardware/software). Planning on being a keyboardist / turntablist in a band.
Painting and cycling are pretty much my other hobbies.
***Meriol Lehmann ***
Q- What’s the concept or idea behind your track?
A- The idea was to create a track using only the samples provided as sound sources. It was important for me to have something with a lot of ambient/experimental textures but I didn't want to get into cliché. Hence, the idea to have that groovy urban beat that brings the track away from IDM.
Q- How the samples from the pack influenced the composition of your track?
A- Well, the bass line is almost straight from the samples and it was the basis of the beat.
Also, like I said earlier, every sound is coming from the samples provided, even the drum sounds.
Q- Is it in your regular musical habits to work on collaborative projects?
A- Yeah, I really like collaborative projects.
Q- What did you use in order to make your track (hardware / software)?
A- Everything was done with a MacbookPro and Ableton Live Suite 8 + Max For Live.
I've been programming with MaxMSP for years and I really love what you can do with Max For Live.
Q- What are you working on these days music wise?
A- I'm currently working mainly on ambient stuff and I'm getting a new band with live musicians.
So I'm back to guitars again with improvised, instrumental
Something influenced a lot by Daniel Lanois' work.
Q- This compilation ended up as a pretty obvious experimental release...
And i know that you are not only into experimental music... did you feel it was easier to make an experimental track out of the samples given instead of making something more defined?
A- Since I'm on the edge between music and audio art, it was easy for me to get into experimental stuff, that's what I'm usually doing! But the samples provided are definitely far from what I work with usually and it needed some more work to get what I was hearing in my head.
Q- beside music. What are you doing these days?
A- I'm currently working a lot on photography you can see my portfolio here:
Also, I'm working on new media art, bringing movement in photography with custom software programming.
Finally, I'm doing a lot of MaxMSP programmation, either for audio artists or working on multimedia interactive installations.
Q- What’s the concept or idea behind your track?
A- there is no ''real'' concept, its more like a few ideas put together...I wanted something kinda groovy and chill since I thought that some of the samples in the pack sounded pretty intense... So I went for a duby vibe since I love dub and I listen a lot of roots dub reggae and duby house and techno so I often end up making
duby influenced stuff... Also I wanted to use some hardware to make the track so I built the drum part with a drum machine... So everything added to each other gave this track.
Q- How the samples from the pack influenced the composition of your track?
A- I can’t say that the samples completely influenced me but one of the bass loop pretty much set the tone for that duby vibe I wanted to get.
Q- Is it in your regular musical habits to work on collaborative projects?
A- I don’t often make tracks with other people, but I make remixes and little mastering here and there,
Putting together compilations for the label, that kind of stuff... so if all of this counts, I guess I can say yes to that question...
Q- What’s did you use in order to make this track (hardware / software)?
A- Ableton live 7, korg EM1X, mackie mixer, yamaha hs80 speakers, audiophile 24/96 sound card, roland u-8,
some vst's that I forgot, plogue bidule for the creation of the loops and samples and cool edit 2000 for the edition..
Q- Aside from this project, what are you working on these days music wise ?
A- Some remix, I got a few different EP and tracks in the making process (some ambient, some techno some experimental music and so on) and stuff that
I have to finish putting together (its often the hard part), taking care of
(there are some cool releases coming up!). Also I make dj mixes from time to time for the pertin-nce shows...
Q- Was it easier for you to make an experimental track out of the samples ?
A- Yes. I feel it was easier to make something more experimental since the samples were kinda uneasy them self.
Q- beside music. What’s up with you??
A- I got back to skateboarding a few years ago so I try to skate as much as I can...
mMy wife and i are trying to get more healty habits, eating better, more physical exercise, that kind of stuff.
Beside that its the usual loop... Working and waiting for my next vacations. Trying to be a better man haha..
***brian tester***
Q- whats the concept or idea behind your track?
A- I wanted to reduce the source sounds to the smallest possible size while still maintaining utility.
I did this so that I could re-grow the sounds, via processing in the analog realm,
into new and larger entities -- somewhat like the way stem cells can be extracted
from an organism and regrown into new organs and tissues.
Q- How the samples from the pack influenced the composition of your track?
A- I used the samples that were most sonically evocative to me (aesthetically),
then used processing to transform them into whatever sound units/events that I needed.
Q- Is it in your regular musical habits to work on collaborative projects?
A- I collaborate with many musicians, but usually in real time performance settings.
Q- What did you use in order to make your track (hardware / software)?
A- Ableton Live, Nord MicroModular, Dave Smith Evolver
(the synths were used for processing, rather than as sound sources.)
Q- aside from this project, what are you working on these days music wise?
A- I am currently playing shows as Prints, which is more or less a solo Acid-with-vocals project.
I am also one half of Spacebrr, an improvised Berlin-school-with-noise group.
You can also find me playing shows as half of Wave and Particle,
a psychedelic electronics with vocals project, and playing guitar and singing in Soft Shells,
a sort of soft rock/shoe gaze mash.
Q- So whats up, what are you doing beside music?
A- Working too much!